TRITON: Next-Gen vCCAP Test Tool

Validate Virtualised Cable Network Infrastructure with DOCSIS Traffic Generation and Device Simulation.

Triton USPs

Ensure Quality of Service and Reduce Testing Costs


Measure Performance

Triton addresses the challenges of measuring virtualised converged cable access platform (vCCAP)  performance by generating and monitoring upstream and downstream traffic. Our solution can generate high rate, stateful consumer and service provider traffic, making our test capability as near to a live environment as possible.

Compliant with DOCSIS 3.1 & DOCSIS 4.0, including DOCSIS security, our system can integrate with any vCCAP, generating stateful DOCSIS traffic. Network performance is measured and reported as data analytics to help internal teams identify any pain points which need addressing. System failures, latency, & jitter can be detected to validate system performance and ensure user experience.


Ensure Quality

Triton provides cable operators with the assurance that their solution will operate as expected when deployed into a live environment. By virtually simulating faulty or malformed data and shutdown or failure of R-PHY devices and cable modems, Triton can rigorously test the virtualised infrastructure to identify potential risks. Traffic scenarios can be tailored and replayed to ensure any network issues are discovered and receive a successful fix.

Flexible Configuration

Triton allows its users to configure not only the number of virtual RPDs and cable modems connected to the vCCAP, but the configuration of those devices. Triton can efficiently simulate and test a number of device deployment scenarios. With an increasing number of vendors available, it is valuable to have this level of adaptability.


Key Test Features

Triton is a two-arm test tool which was developed to allow operators to effectively test their infrastructure at rate. By simulating up to 100 Remote-PHY (R-PHY) & 20,000 cable modems, and 200Gbps of upstream & downstream data, organisations can confidently load test their vCCAP infrastructure and ensure performance capability fulfils expectation.

Capacity: Simulate up to 100 R-PHY & 20,000 cable modem devices

Resilience: Simulate faulty or malformed traffic to ensure infrastructure under test is resilient

Throughput: Load test infrastructure by generating up to 200Gbps for both upstream & downstream traffic

Fault Tolerance: Ensure your infrastructure can handle operational failures by simulating failure of devices

Quality of Service: Guarantee high quality of service by monitoring end-to-end latency & jitter statistics

R-PHY Architecture: Test & validate various R-PHY deployments by creating custom environments

TRITON Architecture

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